
-My mother's hometown-
Kampung Alor Pasir, Wakaf Bharu,
Kelantan Darul Naim.
Drove there with my mother a week before Ramadan since I have not been there for almost a year, preoccupied with college and stuff.

Can you see the "tali air" in the picture above? My mother told me that I fell into the irrigation channel when I was one or two years old. Well it was my late uncle's fault; he brought me there and left me standing on the edge of the "tali air" and like a curious cat, I jumped into the channel. Thank goodness there were no water in it but I was seriously covered in mud and cried.

My visit there was to unwind before I start my studies in September insyaallah, and did some shopping for Eid too. And alhamdulillah, my grandmother has shown some progress in her health too, and my grandfather is still active like a young man. May Allah bless them with the pink of health, insyaallah "dipanjangkan umur".

This is my favorite place to hang out, especially when all of my cousins are here too. Unfortunately, I am not able to see them and my uncles and aunties this coming Eid because my parents did not get the leave. Seriously, it has been 5 fricking years that my family cannot celebrate Eid in Kelantan. Oh god, life is terribly unfair right?

And this mangosteen (maggis) tree has stopped producing fruits already. I used to pluck the fruits and eat them under this tree but I can never have it already. The tree is getting older, and so does the house and everyone in my family. From my cousins, uncle and who knows after this...everybody dies.

And this rambutan tree behind the house also died...nothing is ever permanent in this world. I hope that I manage to make all of you ponder about this guys and girls. Please cry...
yark boktey !ore wakaf bharu uponyooooo!! hahahahaha
hahaha, segan la bila org ckp mcmtu sbb sy x pandai kecek Kelate hehehe...
adoii..baca entry nie..teringin la pulak nak makan manggis..hahaha..napsu dibulan Ramdhan kemain.hehe
hhahaha, manggis mmg sedap....g la beli kt pasar malam hhehehe
oooo..pernah datang kelantan.
have a good day.
selamat berpuasa.
saya tahu kampung ni
wow.. bestnyer la dapat duduk kat kampung mcm nie.. suka angin desa berbanding kota.. nyaman dan bersih.. serius , udara di deesa dpt kita bandingkan..
bestnye kampung...! pangkin tue buat sy teringat zaman kecik2x..rumah mak kat kawasan kampung jugak ada laa pangkin nie...sebelah pangkin ada buaian ....selalu berangan jadi puteri kih kih kih...
tp sejak mak dah pindah rumah taman, takde laa lagi pangkin2x nie...
ok nk blk kampung skrng!
rindu kmpung la huhu
alaaaa sronok nye balek kampung..
wah best....aku takde pun kampung cam ni...kat tali air tu memang best kalau boleh mandi
cantek la kg u... huhuhu... aman damai je...
Syazwan: huhuhu, haruslah selalu...kampung kt ctu hehehe.
IMANSHAH: eh, kg bro area2 ctu gak ke?
iKhRam: Betul...kt bandar bau ekzos kenderaan je...tension betul...
deqlis: Hahaha, jd puteri? comellah angan2 akak masa kecik tu hahahah...
adwa: kampung you area mana adwa?
syrupmasin: hehehe, seronok...
Faizal: Oh, awak orang bandar...mana ada kampung mcm ni hehehe...
Nadia: terima kaseh... huhuhuh
kampung saya kat TUMPAT..tapi ada kawan sekolah dulu kat sini
oh Tumpat... selalu g sana dulu sbb rumah arwah moyang sy kt dlm pekan tu... ada satu area kilang beras kot kt situ?
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