

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tagged by Sis NorFa and Merazati

I've been tagged my Sis NorFa and Merazati but the questionnaire was in Malay
 so I translated it to English Language. 
I hope that by doing this tag, 
my friends and followers will get to know me better.

1. What is on your mind now?
Skinny jeans by Seed! 
I have already tried it in Pavilion KL 
but have to wait for my allowance to be banked-in tomorrow! 

2. What is your nickname?
+Am or Mr. Vosovic.

P/S: Please don't call me Azam. 
My name is spelled with an 'H' to be pronounced!
It is A.Z.H.A.M!

3. List three people that you love.
+My family.
+My friends.

4. Your nickname to your loved one?
Sorry, I am single.

5. The kind of present you have been wanting from your loved one?
Just a simple love and care. That's all.

6. The list of Blogs that you love to visit?
Please refer to my blog yea? 
It is stated in the section 


7. Please tag 15 Bloggers

+Ikhwan Ceria
+Minty Mint
+Yukina Rei
+Gwen Velora

and all who are free to do this tag!

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