It is official now that tomorrow is the first day of Ramadhan. I am so nervous thinking about what is going to happen to me tomorrow (if only Allah let me to live for another day). Insyaallah, everything is going to be fine. I have to drink a lot of water because the weather is so hot nowadays. It feels like summer in Malaysia, trust me.
So I am wishing all of you a happy Ramadhan Al-Mubarak; may this year's Ramadhan be so much better than the previous. Do not forget to have your "sahur" early in the morning tomorrow, drink a lot of water, be extra careful with your mouth, ears, eyes and heart; please avoid from doing negative things with them *note to self. Be modest with your choice of food to break-fasting, do not overspend at the Ramadhan Bazaar. Last but not least, collect as much pahala as you can by performing "solat terawih".
P/S: To all my friends in the "oversea", see me in IPG KBA during winter, sometimes in September okay?
Yours truly,
Azham Vosovic.