-In case you are wondering, this blog post has nothing to do with you-
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There will be no winner in a senior-junior war; there will be just claws and flaws with more fights, blood and more wars.
They are the bravest of us all in this virtual world. They live among all of us waiting for our careless mistakes and in the littlest snap of a finger they will hit the button in a totally unexpected fashion; that is their bravest reaction after all which is to hurt silently in the approved name of anonymity.
Those are mostly nasty speculations based on not-so-polite facts; some are careless talks in a very casual fiction while some people think that it is just a harmless form of recreation. A gossip is venomous, it hurts and it will ruin your reputation if you do not put it to a stop, period.
A gossip can cause an anonymous war because we never knew who started the rumour, and we do not know who to be aware of because we would always want to put the blame onto somebody else eventually.
Again, this has nothing to do with you ('-').
Again, this has nothing to do with you ('-').
I hate anon for sure. They are just people who are afraid to say things with their own identity. That is why I never approve FB friends with vague name. Too tricky for me to let a stalker be my friend because I'm way to good for them. :P
I think I know abt this~ huhu~
i was hoping the 'gossip' in my blog didnt cause any war..unfortunately it did.
SOme people take it positively, some misinterpreted it while some openly share their thoughts.
R.T.W: Wow, hate is a really strong word huhuhu....Yeah, you have got your points there, that is why some people are afraid to accept friend requests on Facebook right?
Narumi: wah...tahu eyh? Baguslah ada orang tahu huhuhu...
Rizal: That is why I want to put it to a stop, because I over-generalized them.
err..tingginya bahasa. haha..bak kata adele, rumours has it *tetibe
agree! setakat ni tak pernah kena hentam dengan anon. setakat ni jelah. :)
memang bahaya gosip ni.. kdang2 leh mengaibkan org
atok yang masuk komen anon pun yang jenis spam punya...ayark
meh joint contest atok
AA: hehe....saje je buat ayat bg susah nak paham....
Syaz: Oh, kena hentam dgn Anon sgt tak best...
zuriey: kan kan kan....sedihnya huhu
Anon to kalo bagi komen positif, that's ok. i accept..tak kisah la dia siapa..tapi yg jadi masalah ne anon yang suka kutuk dan maki orang..kalo berani letak la email ke hape..baru tau berani ke tak..hahah
Nick: hehe....a'ah kalau komen yg okay tu selamat lah haha...kalau tak tu yg kadang2 membuatkan kita nak tahu siapa yang cakap begitu hehehe
Wow...what makes you come out with this entry?
Sis Aziela: It's basically based on my emotion huhuhu....
kalo mocik-mocik yg bergosip petang-petang gitu cemana pulak ? hehe
Klanika: haha....sama je kot? lebih kurang hahaha...eleh, yg muda2 pon bergossip hehehe
Gosip ni boleh bagi kebaikan kalau nak promosi perkara baik dan juga sebaliknya. Kena hati-hati, kadang orang yang bersikap tak baik lagi banyak daripada yang baik. :)
haha,, anon ?
anon= coward!
or in case la all those anon that so-called-english-blinded x paham coward tu ape,, concept nye sama je mcm
"baling batu sembunyi tangan"....
atau kasar sikit,,
"dah berak x reti flush".. :)
huhu.. sorry azham,,terkasar sikit.. :)
Kekunang: hehe...itulah masalahnya...risau dgn gossip2 ni haha...lepas ni saya nak lebih menjaga pertuturan dan bahasa hehe...tak nak jadi mangsa hehe...
Eizhar: haha...oops no comment haha. I takut kena hentam hehehe....
It's okay, xde la kasar mana pun hehe....thanks sbb singgah sini hehe
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