Was at the pharmacy yesterday for a regular check on my blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose level in my body but the pharmacist gave me some kind of an alien look; is it wrong to start taking care of my body at a very young and lively age?
Malaysians being Malaysians are quite skeptical at times; they said "No need to jog you are slim and skinny already" but deep inside my heart I said "A slim person is not always fit and healthy right?".
Come one, health is a risky business nowadays so I would like to encourage more and more Malaysians to get earlier health screening at the nearest clinic, pharmacy or hospital. In fact, the doctor/specialist would be able to track any "extra-terrestrial activity" inside your body and if it so happen that you are sick, the doctor could refer you for further treatment. Getting sick would seriously cost you a lot of money for treatment and medications especially when you are infected with cancer or need to undergo surgeries but if it is diagnosed earlier then you would stand a chance for a speed recovery with minimum charge too.
Believe me, early screening would not take even an hour of your day so please set an appointment and face it. Insyaallah it will not hurt and the doctor would assist you throughout the process. Take care and stay fit always!
kurus x semestinye sihat.. tgk mcm kami. kurus tp x cukup stamina. naik tangga dah semput. kih3. ntah bile ntah nak tobat gi jogging ni.. hee
Izati semput? hehe...lawaklah...selama ni kami igt org gemuk je yang semput hehehehehe
siap beli terus kan senang. letak bawah katil. kalau darah naik terus check . insyAllah always fit and sihat.haha. okay seriously, aku mmg ada bnda2 ni. :)
saya copy seme, pastu saya pegi ke google translate.
wah, macam bahasa indon pulak kuar.
kamu memang terer bahase omputih!
er.. saya kategori gemok. acane tu
antaraSenyap: mahal tak kalau beli sendiri? bagus gak idea tu....I can constantly check my health then...
Khairul Hakimin: hehe....kenapa nak google translate? x faham eyh? hehe...nanti sy guna bahasa mudah2 sikit hehe...
kalau berbadan besar tu, lagilah kena selalu berjaga-jaga dgn kesihatan...
esok aku kena buat cek up jugak.
hmm hmmm
Berbadan besar??? how about me? Your 1st impression?
I do mine twice a year. hehe. about being skeptical...so true!
anyway...the name is Rizal
apa salahnye jog ,dah kurus tak semestinya sihat =_="
pstt..ayat semakin best lah. build up my grammar .hee
semutsengal: yes, baguslah tu kau menyahut cabaran heheheh
Mr. Pirate: hehe...my first impression on you was not bad at all. Perhaps you should exercise regularly to tone up your muscle hehehe
Anon: OMG I have an anonymous comment la from Rizal hehehhee!
AA: haha, alhamdulillah kalau u rasa mcm tu...lg bersemangat nak menulis....
kurus/gemuk bukan tanda sihat, yg pasti harus medical check up, exercise & eat healthy food...good job, nnt nak buat jugak ni :)
farz zull: hehe....betul tu...mulai skrg kita kena jaga kesihatan betul2....jgn main2....waktu muda begini la kena amek berat...
gemuk x semestinya byk penyakit
ttibe aku tringat bdk ofis sound aku mnum air tin yg mn dia xtau, br hr tu la dlm 2 minggu aku teguk air tin tp dok pompang2 ckp aku ney begitu begini
aku sound dia baik punyalah kan "do u judge based on what they eat/drink or u judge on how often they exercise?"
personally bagi aku, a little bit of sweetness sometime should be ok, jgn overdose
luckily, company aku keje ni slalu buat public yearly health checkp up. dan Annlene pun slalu dtg setahun sekali check tulang.heehee.
kan.org kurus tu xsemestinya sihat.aku baru tau,orang kurus pun bole ada penyakit diabetes.see..
Jue: hehe...yeap gemuk pun tak semestinya berpenyakit hehehe......I jarang minum soft drinks, kdg2 kalau teringin je hehe....betul tu pasal a little bit of sweetness sometime should be okay, kira macam hadiah utk diri sendiri gak hehehe
Hanie: hehe....wah bagus betul company kau tu.....memang jaga kebajikan pekerja betul! hehe.... yeap org kurus pun ada diabetes....takut kan?
Betul..tp it is better to be semput in skinny look rather than fat one.
yeah...sehat demi masa depan anak2x...hahaha
Haha...ayat tak boleh blah! hehe, I pun makin berisi...ramai yg tegur da gemuk...kena start jogging balik ni huhuhuhuhu
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