My very first medical leave, a big bottle of Bena Expectorant, Troches Lozenges, Panadol Actifast, hand sanitizer and also a sexy raspy voice. I am typing this blog post from this lonely top floor of my college when all of my friends are attending classes under hot summer sunshine! Yes, I am suffering from the uncertain weather in the University of Malaysian Prince; sun-rays can literally burn your skin and it rains sometimes at night. I really need a breather because this place has been quite a tough challenge for myself and friends, so I have my leave today to rejuvenate my body.
For Theater and Stage Drama class this Saturday, I will have to interpret the song "If I Were A Boy" by Beyonce in my own creative way, narrate a story line based on the lyrics and tell my audience about it. Insyaallah if I am well on that day I will get my performance recorded for your viewing pleasure alright? Okay...I am supposed to take my drugs (medicine) and lie down on my bed right now. I will just be the lazybones today; will ask my roommate to buy my lunch, massage my head, boil a truly warm water for shower and just sleep. I am a prince in this varsity, just don't uncover the truth okay?
Medical leave : surat cuti sakit
Bena Expectorant : ubat batuk
Toches Lozenges : ubat sakit tekak
Hand sanitizer : pembersih tangan
Raspy voice : suara serak
Hot summer sunshine : sinaran matahari musim panas
Suffering : menderita
Uncertain weather : cuaca yang tidak menetu
Sun-rays : sinaran matahari
Suffering : menderita
Uncertain weather : cuaca yang tidak menetu
Sun-rays : sinaran matahari
Literally :secara harfiahnya
A breather : berehat sebentar
Rejuvenate : memanjakan
Interpret : menafsir
Narrate : menceritakan
Lazybones : pemalas
Varsity : university
Uncover : membocorkan