:Background Music:
Set Fire to the Rain-Adele
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This is the reason why I don't want to be a human; because humans have feelings and they break people's heart occasionally. I believe that I should go back to being a heartless machine rather than dealing with emotions and mental breakdown due to this failed relationship. I wonder how other humans cope with their failure in love with no despair; why do they keep coming back ready to be hurt even more?
I don't know; humans gave me hope and the next moment they crushed my dream like it never happened. Part of it was my fault, that I fell in love so easily and was caught in our almost perfect love stories. And I am not certain of my feelings now; either I am mad or just mere sadness of my condition? Maybe I am angry of my foolishness for letting go of my heart so fast, and sad for I have never gotten what I have expected. Screw love and relationships; one day I will be famous and that HUMAN would regret the decision's made. I will be armed with a stainless steel heart and promise to never love a human again; from now on I officially declare myself as a machine named Azham Vosovic. Get ready for my invasion people--who asked some of you to break my heart first right?
Occasionally : sekali sekala
Heartless : tiada perasaan
Mental breakdown : gangguan mental
Failure : kegagalan
Despair : putus asa
Crushed : menghancurkan
Not certain : tidak pasti
Mere : semata-mata
Sadness : kesedihan
Condition : keadaan
Foolishness : kebodohan
Letting go : menyerahkan
Expected : jangkakan
Armed : bersenjatakan
Stainless steel : keluli tahan karat
Officially : secara rasminya
Officially : secara rasminya
Invasion : pencerobohan
i totally understand what u're feeling. rasa macam better to be emotionless. i've been feeling down for quite sometime now. just be strong okay. eventually u'll get over it. u deserve someone better! =D
this sounds serious. wuuu.
but i do hope everything is just gonna be okay ya. huhu.
but talking with people giving you hope, i think i had experienced it. why did they give hope just to make us suffer. it's better to leave it rather than to figure it out because it seems like that person looks so happy with life now. so i should move on too. haha
opps panjang pulak komen saya. hehe
Eh, jadi manusia lah best.. perasaan itu satu anugerah.. klaw xde perasaan, x feel la hidup... HAHA
spread the love azham don't be a heartless machine. human are designed to be loved and loving.
dan tak semestinya kepada manusia. =)
haha..aiyooo..ape2 pon mesti accept the fact yang manusia ini adalah sebaik2 kejadian :)
agree with ur statement... sometimes, we're mad not bcoz of the sadness, but bcoz of our foolishness..
waaaah..dah jd machine dah..huhu...
rozeeta: thanks dear...that's why you are a human cuz u understand emotions....Insyaallah, I hope I will get over it.
Kayun: yeap, tis is serious. I just don't want to fall in love again, it is so sick you know. I am too young to cry for love...
ZWAN: hehe, mungkin kau suka...itu pilihan kau.... lepas ni aku tak mau bercinta lagi....
Hanie: macam kenal je ayat tu....hurm, I dah penat sangat bagi kasih sayang kat orang yang tak pernah hargai...
Elle: memang, manusia mmg sebaik-baik kejadian...tp manusia juga yang salahgunakan kelebihan tu....
Izat: huhu, right? I was stupid, I hope that I will never repeat it again.
Princess: yeap...mental breakdown....
i like that song dude!!
semoga yang terbaik buat kamu.. semoga bakal jadi cikgu yang hebta ye.. ehe.. salam kenal juga (",)
Fara: hehe, i know right?
Gen2Merah: hehe, insyaallah.... salam perkenalan bro!
thanks bro kerana dtg jegah ke belog yg ala2 hampeh tu.
owh cikgu, saya tak pandai la dalam bahasa inggeris ni..huhuhu
robot pun bleh rosak klu asyik bekerja bro :-)
Telor: sama-sama...ala, tak pandai boleh belajar hehe....
delarocha: haha, insyaallah robot boleh dibaiki...hati manusia? hehe...
datang singgah kat sini...sokong komen delarocha
love? come on la dude, machine just programmed to do stuff that human cant do and to make life's easy.. well actually machine were the reason human gettin lazy lately right?
hehe cheer up ;)
Kancil: haha, okay ramai sokong Bro Delarocha hehe
Zuan: hehe, betul gak tu...rileks je jadi mesin...tak perlu bercinta...
lelaki smemangnya hati lbih sensetip (-_-)
bgaimna pula dgn prasaan kami sbgai seorg prmpuan selalu disakiti.. kan? kami msih boleh hidup kdgkla ia mnyakitkan.. OH sungguh TABAH.. heheh..
anyway.. ape yg jdi slalu ade hkmah kan? ;)
Bolat: kan kan kan? lelaki mmg sensitip, tp I bangga jd lelaki hehe
aku pun tak tau mana aku dapat ayat tu.men taip je.
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