I am a nerd; I always comb my hair from left to right and my friends did not really like it. Actually, they hate it but I like it because it is easy to manage my hair especially when I wake up late for classes. And I don't have to apply hair wax or any other product which is actually bad for my hair and scalp.
Well, I used to have that nerdies spectacles until I accidentally stepped on it; yes that is what nerdies do! And until now people keep on asking about where I got that specs and nerdily I said, Berjaya Times Square.
And when my mother said no driving for the day, I seriously listened to her. You know when you do things that your parents do not know, then you are just going to get something bad out of it. You know, maybe when you drive the car and suddenly you hit another car and bla...bla...bla...things like that.
Oh my God, now I realize that I am such a NERD! Luckily there is no mean girls around to trash my confidence into the bin.
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well for me i classified it as a simple life for a guy. Azham buat style macam tuh sebab u nak nampak simple rather than apply so much thing on to your hair and spent hours styling it haha..
specks, well bukan semua orang pown pakai bingkai mcm tuh ker> its like trends at this time??
3rd, opkos dengar ckp ibu bapa is compulsory, tanpa keredhaan mereka, apa pown x jadi..
Aman: hahaha, yes I love simplicity and when one day I have my hair spiked, the people in my college seriously like it, and I love that feeling. tp itulah selalu bangun lambat hahaha....
Speck tu bukan yg mcm trend skrg ni, it's really different. It makes me look a bit older but I like it... hahahahah...
Yes, mmg I selalu dgr cakap mak ayah... tp kadang2 nakal juga, curi2 drive hahahah...
Oh my, Aman telah memberi keinsafan harini...
NERD?? for me it depends on how u define the word itself.some people will easily call u a nerd just because you follow the rules.. well i call it discipline.
and about the style, be it the hair style or dressing style, i think it's up to the owner of the body. as long as u are happy and u dont go against the dressing rules in Islam, then why not..
this is simply my personal view la..hehehe..:)
NERD?? for me it depends on how u define the word itself.some people will easily call u a nerd just because you follow the rules.. well i call it discipline.
and about the style, be it the hair style or dressing style, i think it's up to the owner of the body. as long as u are happy and u dont go against the dressing rules in Islam, then why not..
this is simply my personal view la..hehehe..:)
Wah ustazah, bersyarah gittew! hehehe. I know what you meant Farah, and I am glad that you call it discipline. I totally forgot about that hahaha... but I like it to be called a NERD, it is kind of CUTE hahahahahaha....
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