Oh my God I seriously have nothing to do right now. Everyday after Subuh, I sleep again until 9 o'clock or something. Then I will have my shower, breakfast and read the newspapers. Sometimes my mum will ask me to sweep the porch, living room and vacuum my room and I am glad that I just have to do it sometimes only. I am forbidden to enter the kitchen when my mum is cooking, except when my mum needs someone to peel the onions or this and that. Oh my sister in Uitm Arau, please come back and handle this kitchen!
In the afternoon, I will go online; Facebook-ing, Tumblr-ing, blogging and make thedibalicious annoyed with my wall posts. That also depends on when she has to cook for her family and I will be left alone. Oh my, my life is so boring, trust me. After Asar, I will drive the car or ride the bike and go to places I have never been in Kepala Batas. Yesterday I went to Kuala Muda, a small town that had been hit by tsunami in 2004 and the people there are looking at me like WHAT???
At night, I will watch Buletin Utama which is sickly full of political-based news. Seriously, I want more news that has nothing to do with politics! I am not hoping to be watching more news about tragedies, accidents or crimes in Malaysia but for me that is the whole point of myself getting news. Okay, keep calm Azham, they own that channel so they can do whatever they want.
At ten o'clock, I will prepare myself to sleep. I will turn on the air conditioner, light up the aromatherapy candles and spread roses on my bed. Okay, that is a total lying! Then the routine will start again, the next morning, religiously.
P/S: Why is that GSC Cinema or Grand Cineplex still hasn't called me? Oh please hire Azham Vosovic, he needs money to pay for his life, debts and broadband bills. I can't live my life like this until September, I will be gaining weight trust me! Or maybe I should call the company that offers the job as a clerk? Okay I will try to give them a call them this evening, I will try.
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hahah..cuti y mbosankan?!! actually we dont realize that it was more fun when we're at the college busying ourselves w asgmnts quizes and so on kan~ =D even stress pon but atleast we hv LOTS of things to do!
All the best of luck in getting job azham, insyaAllah dapat.
Suzai: Yeah, sometimes being in the college is so much fun, when you have your friends around; minus the assignments and tests. Then boleh keluar pergi Pavilion tgk movie, or makan-makan kat Kg Baru... Okay now I miss my life in IPBA hahaha.
Aman: Insyaallah, kalau my parents izinkan... risau gak diorang tak bagi, I kan baru keluar hospital?
kan baguih lau umah kite dekat jer.. ley lepak sesama every evening.. =)
atok even cant stand smster break for 2 months.....now 4 months? omaigot...
Izati: Hahahahahah, ni mesti rindu nak bergosip dengan Azham Vosovic mcm dalam kelas tiap-tipa hari kan?
Suhami: seriously, I can't stand it too but sabar je la... bersyukur dgn apa Allah beri. nanti da start belajar xda masa nak bernafas pun...
hahahaha.. i love the part when u light up the candles and spread roses on your bad! propa sgt kan..hahaha..xD
Farah: part tu DIba yang ajar... dia sangat gedik hahahhaha
hahaha.. of coz! non-stop gossip! haha...
Nurul: hahaha, berdosa ok gossip2 ni...
Nurul: hahaha, berdosa ok gossip2 ni...
Ahem, sape ajar??
Adibah Khalidah yang ajar!
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