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Welcome to the Internet Olympics; they are big on online recreation here because supposedly it helps us vent our aggressive behaviour but no. Personally I think that the internet is trying to wear us out with the littlest exercise of our fingers to make us fat so there won't be a healthy person anymore. For some, the internet is the only place where they can meet friends because they are not really socially relevant in the real world. For the others this is the only place they get to express their sexuality without being judged or compromised; the lesbians, gays, bisexuals or transexuals (LIGABUT) or the straights. This is the channel for many politically-inclined men and women where they can win votes and sympathy with their on-going propagandas, both the government and the opposition party. This is the new education tool for teachers and students too but many choose to abuse than to use the world-wide web efficiently. The internet is the new time-bomb of the millenium because it ticks and tocks with the slowest reminder of its devastating effect to the world no matter you are ready or not.
Now tell me in less than 100 words about your opinion of the internet; does it do you more harm or more good? And what about the enactment of Act 114A? You decide ;)
Kerana internet sume assignment dapat disiapkan..kerana internet dapat kenal ramai kawan..kerana internet dapat buat blog untuk sembang..kerana internet dapat hasil duit ribu riban..heheh..well,in my opinion, internet brings more good than harm..actually, it depends on the way we utilize it..if we know how to put internet to best use, it can serve for many purposes..but if we misuse for wrong purposes, that's definitely dangerous.
Nick: yeay the first to comment! Haha setuju sebab internet bagus cuma cara kita menggunakannya yang kadang2 membawa kepada keburukan. Lepas tu, ada yang sampai dikawal oleh internet sampai tak boleh nak tinggal walau sesaat, dan itu sangat teruk ;)
internet bagus jika digunakan dengan betul. dan sebagai pemilik sesebuah akaun blogspot atau FB adalah menjadi tanggungjawab mereka untuk tidak menyebarkan sesuatu perkara yang berunsur fitnah. dan tanggungjawab mereka juga untuk tidak menyiarkan komen komen yang bersifat 'offences'.
must it be less than 100 words? ecehh. mcm byk sgt je nak tulis kan. 100% agree with nick. i used the internet to search info my my assignments, to make new friends, hobby like blogging. tapi memang tak boleh dipertikaikan ia boleh buat kita leka. terlebih masa guna sampai benda lain terabai. itu kalau addicted sgt and tak boleh control la. dulu time form 3 memang melekat je dekat comp online. tapi now dah pandai control lah.
Tick tock tick tock tick tock... Gerek seh jam tu! ;D
Bagi aku, internet banyak membantu kepada yang pandai gunakan ke arah kebaikan. Internet juga banyak mengganggu sistem hidup manusia yang menjadi 'hamba' internet. Pucuk pangkal bergantung kepada cara kita guna internet tu sendiri.
Sekian ;)
Everything ada pros and cons. So does the internet. Tapi I like internet because of bloggings. Laman sosial yang lain has been damaged severely by the users. The using of bad words, accusations, politics, fightings...all through them. Scary.
Edy: haha LIGABUT is taken from my favorite movie hahaha!
Malay Male: hehe betul tu. Saya sokong pendapat saudara tentang tanggung jawab seorang pengguna media baru untuk menyiarkan sesuatu yang sudah mendapat pengesahan kan? Sebab sesetengah kenyataan tu boleh diputar belit ;)
izzatiliyana: hehe...seronok guna internet tp skrg I rasa internet ni dah kawal diri I hehe...risau plak hehe.... kena pandai2 bawa diri la yeh hahaha
Ucop: hehe...kan kan kan? Aku suka GIF tu gak hehehe....
Hamba internet, yes that's the best expression hehee!
Sis Aziela: hehe...that's right. I prefer blogging to share my stuff too because not many people would like it if I do it on Facebook haha...and yes people abuse the internet for all kinds of bad things too, so sad!
kunjungan sempena raya
Edy: Thanks sebab mengingatkan ;)
for me internet has been a blessing. online shopping, downloading things, getting instant info are some of the things i've frequented over the few years i spent being online. sure it has its bad side, but ::shrugs:: not to me, i guess. well, maybe one downside is the unsettling feeling i got deep down in my heart whenever i'm not able to get online. :P as for the act, hm... i dont know much about it. but i heard of it being unfair and being too constricting. i hope the authority will do something about it and not turn malaysia into the second china.
LIGABUT? hahaha. Azham, tu new terms ke ape? pandai2 je ubah. kang kompius org serata malaysia.
internet tu macam pisau. depends on us to choose; more harm or more good. act114A? macam pernah dgr. pasal internet tu ke blackout day ke ape. tak paham. malas nk bc sebenarnye. I hate law la. heee ;p
Lea: huhu....yeay a blessing to some but a disaster to most people haha! Hurm, online shopping is interesting but I have never tried it hehe...It seems dangerous to me because I cannot test and see the product before buying it, so my respect is for those who dare to shop online!
NIZAM: haha I love word-play hahaha! Biarlah, I want it to be a bit discrete hahaha....
Akta 114A masih menjadi isu sejak kebelakangan ini dan khabarnya akan di bincangkan sekali lagi huhu ;)
It is good to educate Malaysians how to be responsible but is it great to do that? I suppose government need to put more effort in putting the Computer topic in any BM and BI subjects in school so that students will learn what to and not to do in the Internet. In that way they will have no excuses saying they don't know the Internet etiquette.
I hope the act will be revamp as it is not fair to all Internet user in Malaysia.
but for a student, it`s a bless.
lots of + n - can be found..
R.T.W: hehe...that's true! But haven't we already had the computer lesson in class for primary and secondary school? I mean, we have have the slots to teach ICT and stuff so there shouldn't be anymore additional subject to do that. In fact teachers of other subjects can do a topic on internet awareness as part of their lessons too ;)
Achik: hehe...internet is a blessing for students hehe. We love the internet ;)
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