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Pasar Sibuk Siti Khadijah, Kelantan Darul Shopping ;) |
Everybody wants to be breaking a news; the spoiler of a good story or the spiller of the bad ones. Everybody wants to be telling something just to feel like a part of such a big thing because everybody knows that everyone loves a person who knows a better side of a story. Like the first person to arrive at a crime scene or the witness of a deadly police shooting; just by adding a little bit of salt and pepper you are ready to serve the best dish of maca-rumours with a glass of sour-gossips juice to your own audience.
That is how such a small thing can become viral because the secret to telling the news is to pretend that somebody knows something better than anybody else, and of course to add your points of view to make it personal. Yes, everybody loves to be the first one to crack open a secret too so please be extra-careful!
This blog post is written with the concern of few bloggers being sued for internet misuse cases in Malaysia. Remember my dear friends, we are bloggers with brains so blog with our heart and not to publish such gossips, rumors or secrets of anybody else to the public. Get the facts right and at least have the courtesy to ask for a permission before posting a story or photos about somebody else alright?
ada bloggers sukakan perhatian dan sanggup create rumours serta copycat benda yang tak betul.. huhu..its not healthy la..
eh blog Mr AA tu okay tak?haha
AA: hehe betul tu. Memang apa yg AA ckp tu adalah sama dgn apa yg I cakapkan ni la hehe....semata2 nak kejar benda lain spt earning, populariti, followers, sampai kadang2 sanggup sebarkan benda tak betul huhuhuhu
aye aye captain..heheh..gossip2 ne mostly written by blogger hiburan..im not saying that tulis gossip tu tak bagus cuma perlu diberi perhatian sama ada benda tu betul atau tidak. kan tak pasal2 kena saman..banyak dah kes yang blogger kena dakwa dan saman..huhu
That's why I believe we need to be true muslim bloggers. Not like others who cares for trafficking only.
And a few bloggers are being sued for 20K because they provide links to download songs in which the links have copyright. Uiyoo...scary.
tak fhm mcmn ada blogger yg bole terbabas smpi mcm tu..somehow, i rarely blog abt others..
cause im a self obsessed.. haha..kidding.. :D
Nick: hehe...yeap mostly blogegr hiburan, tu yg sy takut sbb sekarang sy pon dah ke arah tu hehe...sekadar peringatan untuk diri sendiri juga hehehehe....
R.T.W: hehe...it's so scary when we think about this court case, I really am penniless to settle it if it were to happen to me huhu
Aziela: Serious akak? Kena dakwa sbb provide link downloads? Oh my takutnya....few of my friends are doing it too...must tell them to remove those blog posts huhuh...
Achik: hehe, biasalah..dah seronok tgk bilangan followers, trafik hehe....
yup.Jue slalu ingatkan kalau nak sampau kan info sisat betul2.pastikan sahih.kalau xpastu atau sumber mencurigakan.jgn post.sayangi diri dan rakan2 sekeliling kita.bole jd nnti terkait sekali.
so be a wise blogger okay.
Hanie: yeap...skrg ni makin ramai dok share benda2 kt FB kan, entah betul ke tak kita tak tahu...pastu mula share kt dlm blog, org baca...then kalau benda tu salah kita dpt ajaran sesat huhuhu.....
Apapun, jangan lah patah semangat sebab ini sahaja. Yang penting niat kita tu mestilah baik. Insya-Allah baik lah blog kita. Kalau niat semata-mata nak kaya seperti blog Serius tanpa memikirkan akibatnya kepada pembaca, ingatlah dunia ni sementara je kan? =)
ambik pengajaran daripada kisah bloggers lain..
about blog post ni kan yang paling bahaya i rasa tulis benda yang sensitip pasal orang lain kat blog. then it becomes seriously and complicated to solve.
lots of bad info~
ramai salah guna FB ni trutama aku..hehe
x pasal2 naik court n dituntut 1juta. nasiblahhh~ huhu~
*mcm kami plak blogger tu kan* ahaha~ =D
kena hati2 menulis ni.. kalau boleh sebar cerita yang betul dan tidak menabur fitnah
I Wong: hehe...tak tau plak senarai blog yang kena saman so tak boleh nak komen lebih2 hehe....skrg ni pon sy agak risau mana tau kalau2 terlajak kata dlm blog post sebelum2 ni hehe...just in case.
Ized: hehe....takut kan? I dah la masih belajar, kalau kena saman amboi mana nak cari duet hehe....
Zuan: hehe, kt FB mmg banyak orang share benda2 yg tak diketahui sumber dan kesahihahnya kan? hurm.....
Narumi: hehe...tak pe...meletakkan diri kita dalam situasi seseorang itu dinamakan empati...bagus tu huhu
zuriey: hehe....betul tu...blogger mcm kita ni sangat berisiko tinggi heheheheh
Aku harap aku tak jadi macam tu.. Kadanag² aku tersengih sinis bila terbaca apa² khabar angin mana² blog..
Pentingkan sangat trafik sedangkan tanggungjawab asal tu lari entah ke mana...
ucop: hehe yeah kita sependapat...ramai lg yg bersetuju dgn kita...minta simpang malaikat 44 la dr berlaku perkara2 sebegitu kepada kita huhuhu
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