Alhamdulillah, Madam Hasnah and family invited us to her open house in Klang this afternoon. We took a train from KL Sentral to Kg Raja Uda commuter station and her son picked us up there.

This is the motherly Madam Hasnah and her husband; she taught us Language Development when all 40 of us were in foundation level.

She has to travel for nearly one and a half hour every day, to and fro IPG KBA because her house is in Klang; and this is her favorite spot once she returns home from work.

Madam Hasnah and her husband rear fishes in this pool and she said that by seeing the fishes in the pool, it calms her mind after such a hectic day at work.

Well, I agree with her because she is not only teaching but has to do works for the Practicum Unit. Nevertheless, I can see that all her hard work pays off by looking at the gigantic look of her palace ;)

Okay, back to the main agenda which is free food hunting! Yeah, Madam Hasnah served us mee kari, nasi impit with kuah kacang, Chocolate cake and many more; all made by her and the daughter. Realy truly delicious!

I had my second helping because the mee kari was really delicious and so does Alexs, Ikram and Aiman...

Madam Hasnah's husband is a head master in a school and he have us a lot of inspiration to becoming a great teacher one day. I think that my friends who have been forced to join this teaching profession should talk to him so that he can open up their perspectives, seriously.

At about 6.30 PM, Madam Razimah (in brown scarf) and family joined us there, and we had to kidnap her son so that she can eat.

Well, I am so thankful that our lecturers in IPG KBA are so supportive and are like our own parents already. I hope that one day I am going to have a palace like Madam Hasnah as well, insyaallah. May Allah bless Madam Hasnah and her family with wealth and health always, so that she can throw more open house parties and feasts (",) *joking!
I love my lecturers and I hope that one day I am going to be someone like them and give back to the society.
bestnyer lecturer buat open house.. Aman tunggu masa sahaja kat cini.. tengah try usha2 lecturer..
amn p ukm tahun depan, insyaAllah...
Alhamdulillah, ada juga lecturer sudi ajak hehehehe.... Sy da pi UPM last week, for the orientation week...sgt best university life!
best! rumah dia pn cantik :D
wah...untung ler lec wat open house... ~ heeee
mane muka anak Mdm?? hehe!
Zuan: heheh, rumah yg sgt besar...berapa juta dia habiskan tau...
cindhahadniea: alhamdulillah syukur...
BTK: anak2 Madam segan dgn kitorang, sbb kami buat rumah tu mcm rumah kami sendiri...
geng cikgu le ni ek
topi mmg x le tgl..
trade lu la bro..
ala2 bruno mars malaysia gitu..
wah trademark die topi tak tinggal
Da lama x g open house :D
Rizal from iGossip:
Most of the pictures featured here in this entry were taken by me...owh im so proud
Jiji Yu: hahah, alhamdulillah mcm tu lah...
Kay: hahahah, retiss ker? matilah kena kutuk...
IMANSHAH: hahaha, nampaknya mcm tu lah....
NATASYA: huhuhu, best g open house...
Rizal: haha, you are so talented...
nak mee kari tu..
umah dia area mana nih? bosar eh..hehe
ni mesti ada kete ni dapat jejalan.. jeles2..T.T~
AA: haha, rumah kt Klang...haruslah besar, gaji lecturer banyak kot!
SOYA: heheh, mana ada kereta...naik Komuter yg sesak tu je hehehehe
one thing that you should know about lecturer ipba:
they will treat us like their own kids. they really take care of us, and always treat us with great food. they are our second parents. really feels at home. sumpah. :)
Kak Miza: yeap, I agree with you sis! I am so close with my foundation lecturers compared to degree year's lecturers...even until now our bond is so strong!
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