I promise that I will play "meriam buluh" next to my housemates' ears each time they sleep in this Top Model's House. They ruined my beautiful and handsome sleep when they played badminton in the hallway, and shouted happily when they can always do it at a proper place or at least keep their voice down at this hour in the evening. Well...this is a revenge, I promise that I would bombard this house even though I really do not know how to light up a match stick. And at this point of time, Tyra Banks would come and give me a hug; a perfect Tyra Moment!
P/S: This is a true story and I am not mad at them, really ;)
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haha aku suka kot main mcm ni dlu.. tp now no more la.. haha
haha aku suka kot main mcm ni dlu.. tp now no more la.. haha
Zuan: hahah, main aci nyorok ker? hahaha...dulu boleh la, skrg x lagi...
mereka mereka tu henseng tak ? ada macam taylor lautner tak ? hahhaa
haha.. i know the story.. nateesha just told me... sabar jer la ngn bebudak ni.. haha...
aku pung tak reti sngt maing badminton..sikit2 blh la..:D
main ape kah ? xD
JOm join contestku =D : Contest Annouced! Mak Aih! Contest Blog Eazy Izzuddin ?!
eka: hahaha. mereka sangat henseng...sbb ni kan ruma Top Model?
Izat: hahah, Nateesha mesti marah sbb kami marah bf dia heheh....padahal Shafik belanja KFC kot semalam...baiknya...
ABU: heheh, boleh main badminton, tp kt court la hehehe
Eazy: Main badminton huhuu.....
haha.. nateesha x marah pun.. kitorang gelakkan dorang lg ada laa.. sbb main dlm rumah.. hehe.. wahhh.. untung2... hehe
hahaham yker korang gelakkan? hahaha.... sweetnya Shafik my roommate hehehe
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