I saw this uncle sitting on the floor near KFC Jam Besar, Sungai Petani Kedah this afternoon. He sits there, he sleeps there and his whole life is there, lying faithfully on the floor. I still remember last year that I saw this uncle at the same spot, but at that time he was nearly shirtless. He looked so pale, thin and not even attracted to the outside world but today, he gets a new Scouts uniform and a slipper, courtesy of our concerned citizens.
I am pretty sure that this uncle is not a beggar but he has no home to live in. He feeds from the leftover food from KFC or maybe the nearby stall but it is not sufficient. He still needs a house with four walls on, a proper bed, toilet and a family to take care of him. I wonder when will this uncle be taken to an old folks home, because he has been there since forever. Did the respective authority not see this until today? Well, I do not want to judge anyone because I never know what has actually happened. All I hope is that one day that uncle can finally return to a house as that is the least I can do now, hoping.
Seeing that uncle's condition made me realize something, that I should be thankful for having a house to live in, and a family that can take care of me. At least, I do not have to live on the streets and feed from other people's sympathy. His home is just a thin cardboard piece, a wide open space and the big blue sky above him. Be grateful for what we have now people, we never know what is missing until we lost it ;)
bile tgk org mcm ni perkara pertama aini pk.. mana family dia? tak kan xde saudara mara..urmmm,.sedih,.=(
sedih kan sedih kan sedih kan?
mana tah anak-anak dia.
Hanif: who knows he never get married right? huhuhuhu
kalau jumpa org macam ni.. kita kena bantu bai.. tanya mana rumah dia.. apa yg dia perlukan? tempat aku, ramai budak pengemis.. ejen sendikit yg handle.. kecian kat budak tu..
Saya ni bukannya berani sangat.... sekadar dpt tolong buat blog post utk menyedarkan orang ramai heheheh
pity with him, kalau dulu dia jaga anak2 dia (kalau ada anak la), tapi bila anak2 dia dah besar, sorang pun xboleh nak jaga ayah yang satu ni. kesian kat dia.
hari ni hari ni dia.. hari kita.. masa depan kita.. kita semua tak tau
sebaik2nya kita perlu bersyukur.. itu yg terbaik dan merancang perjalanan hidup kita dengan baik..
agar kehidupan kita tidak menjadi sia2 pada masa akan dtg..
pernah jumpe pakcik nih..malam-malam dy tido dgn kucing..
baru je..tahun ke 9..hu hu
Iszuan: you are so right. If he has a family, where are they? Minta simpang sikap tu jauh2 dri kita semua huhuhu
ikhram: betul betul betul. Saya rasa bersalah sgt sbb selalu mengeluh selama ni, padahal ada yg x bernasib baik huhuhu...
syrupmasin: haiyyooo, really? but at least he has cats to accompany him at night.
IMANSHAH: BARU je? haha, lama tu bro!
Selamat hari raya. slm perkenalan dari kita ya.
Jemput datang ke blog kita > http://batulesung.blogspot.com/
mana orang yang bertanggungjawab such as badan kebajikan?
ciannya uncle ini
ermm..betol2..gile kesian..
jgn lah hari tua kita jd camtuh...huhu
cun plak gua tengok pakcik tu duduk gitu mehehe
hopefully.. pacik 2 akan dapat perlindungan.
betul kesian bila tgk org mcm ni. Kalau rasa kesian tolong apa yang patut,mungkin kita dapat ubh nasib dia.
CT: Selamat Hari Raya dan salam perkenalan jua..terimas sbb sudi singgah hehehe...
Atok: Orang kebajikan mungkin nampak, mungkin tidak nampak...
Zuriey: kesian pak cik ni...huuhhu
syrupmasin: hurm, kita tolong selagi kita mampu...
UnguViolet: mudah2han kita dijauhkan dari benda yg macam ni...
ekabukanmakcikkau: jahatlah you ni huhuhu....kesian pak cik tu huhuh
acan ketot: insyaallah, harap2 ada org bantu...
Lizzie: hurm, harap ada pihak kebajikan yg baca ni satu hari nanti....
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