Wednesday, June 30, 2010
The Only Exception-Paramore
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Tagged: Cute Blogger Award by Gwen Velora!

He Shouldn't Be Bullied and Died for It.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Shontelle-Impossible. How I Love This Song...
Help him
Playing House:
Love Game
You hide, I seek
I’m Guiltless
Foreseeing Death
Life's a play production
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Semester 3 Wish List of Azham Vosovic
When He Is Scared About Tomorrow...
This Is The Result After 3 Weeks Of Offline
describes me in bodek2 k.. :P
Hye Kak Aisya!
I'll answer this in antonym...hope you don't mind it. hehehe.. jgn terasa lak...
1) Snob -(you're one of the best senior ever!)
2) Selfish-(you care bout people, especially ur friends)
3) Mad-(yes u r madly in love with Apple)
4) Stupid-(haha I love your English!)
5) Mute-(you talk a lot but I like it)
ape first impression bila ternampak alana??
She is gorgeous honestly. She didn't talk much but I know this kind of girl will only talk about things when it is necessary.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Press Release
I have already cleared my room, just in case I am not around. I threw some of my unused stuffs and my old clothes, please give it to the orphanage. I hope that I settled my debts to everyone. Hopefully. If I still owe you Guys and Girls, please let me know. Hurm, what else?
I will definitely have to go. I am not sure of how many of you Guys and Girls will miss me? You don't have too. I haven't done any good deeds in this beautiful world of mine. I love all of you Guys and Girls so much. Please tell the people I love that I love then very very much. Salam, and God bless. Take care.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
What was your favorite movie as a child?
I can't recall it.
Hurm, Lizzie McGuire the movie? Cadet Kelly?
If you had to cook dinner for someone tonight, what would you make?
Cook Fat Chili Fire (Masak Lemak Cili Api).
Well, my loved one asks me to learn this dish, probably Yazid can help me first before I can make one?
Have you ever been fired? If so, why?
Yes, definitely. Last year, I joined The Celebrity Apprentice and my team "The Gossipers" didn't do well when we were asked to organize a 'Masquerade Ball' in Upper East Side. The reason why I was fired was Nate Archibald kissed Jenny Humphrey instead of kissing Serena van der Woodsen and that was caused by a stupid mask. I was totally down when Donald Trump said that I was fired in the next day's Board Meeting. my dream...
What's the most delicious meal you've ever had?
I had the best United States of America's Fried Rice (Nasi Goreng USA je) at Scuds after I retrieved my allowance three days ago! Yummy!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
What is ur 1st impression on me? =) b frank.. hehe
Don't cry for me being frank.
Adibah Khalidah: I don't know why but back then you seems to be the shy type of person. Even you didn't seem interested to get to know me and to say hi. After all, I get closer to you after we went for Merdeka trip in Putrajaya.
prac?? for real? u have prac? how on earth am i going to bully the new juniors when i'm also be going for my prac next sem.
haha! Practicum in my dream.hahah.
Let me answer this Kak Miza.
1)Ask them to accompany you to jog in UM.
2)Go shopping with them!but their treat.heheh
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
what do u think of kak miza? (haha! akak xder
She's the best senior ever, honestly.
Akak, how come I didn't see you lately?
when r u going back home?
Thanks for asking. I bought a ticket to Sungai Petani, Saturday 5th of June. See you in Kedah!
how come i didnt see u lately? (again by kak miza).. haha!
I've been busy with preparation for practicum next sem (chewah!!!). Kak Miza, pls bully new juniors while I'm not around next sem. Haha. Miss you akak!
Congrats for ur mark! Wanna share the tips?? haha
1) Watch Gossip Girl for the whole three seasons.
2) If you have problems with SS, come to me personally. I'll be a mentor, like Blair Waldorf to Jenny Humprey in Season 3.
3) Love Social Studies first, then things will come easy and handy for you.
Formspring me for more informations. Toodles!
If you could instantly become an expert at one style of dance, what style would you pick?
To be traditional, Zapin will be. Just fell in love with Zapin yesterday, honestly.