I am actually in Kelantan right now following a production house, Galaxy Features Network Sdn. Bhd. recording a documentary about arts and cultural artifacts here like "batik", "tembaga" and "rumah kayu lama", which will be aired on TV1 I think? Yesterday when I was recording for a documentary about Batik Kelantan at Pasar Siti Khadijah, Kota Bharu Kelantan, I was approached by an old man who wanted to take a photo with me. I kindly told him that I am just a production assistant for this production house so I am not those famous people he saw on TV. I also told him to pray for my luck because who knows that one day I might get the chance to host my own TV show and therefore, achieve another dream in my wish list insyaallah :)
You will :)
batik best !lelagi time mencanting :D
Good luck!
I miss Kelantan very much after 4 months not going back T_T
Wow !
Good luck !
Well adik, you do look like a celebrity there. Just enjoy the ambience..and try to avoid the flood, ok.
goodluck mr celebrity blog wanabee.. hehehe
eszyamin: hehe, amin insyaallah!
Rizal: hehe insyaallah, thank you!
onie: hehe, pernah mencanting batik masa kt PLKN dulu hehe
Ized: hehe, rindu Kelantan kan? I pun dah start sayang Kelantan ni hehe....
Eazy: hehe thank you!
Kak Aziela: hehe...thank you thank you I dah blushing hehe...tu la mlm ni dah nak balik KL, doakan perjalanan saya selamat insyaallah...
Zuan: hehe, thank you thank you hahah!
Good Luck ye.. btw, kirem salam kat orang kelantan.. :)
zwan: hehe thank you!!!
Nice blog :)
salam kenal sobat :)
bagi - bagi motivasi
semoga bisa jadi semangat
Senyuman adalah sedekah yang indah, karena dengan sedekah senyuman, manusia takkan pernah merasa berhutang apa-apa dan tak kan membuat orang lain merasa terhina
ditunggu kunjungan baliknya yaa :) terima kasih ....
outbound malang: thank you thank you hehe :)
Amin! =)
Izat: haha thank you mak cik haha!
Azham menuju kepemesannn. Cewahhhh.
Syaz spam komen azham. kehkehkeh
Syaz: Insyaallah insyaallah insyaallah!!! Doakan yang terbaik buat saya and I will do the same for everyone too hehe :)
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