Birth date: 15 December 1991
Birth place: Hospital Baling, Kedah.
:21 years later:
Alhamdulillah, 21 years of sweat and tears! Alhamdulillah that I still manage to breathe the air and living my endless dreams! Alhamdulillah that I am blessed with family and friends all around supporting me in every delicate ways. I am very lucky to be Mohd Azham Bin Amran/Azham Vsvc at the same time because nobody else can be me; try walking in my worn-out shoes and I believe that you will surrender in less than an hour. I am blessed to being me and not anybody else so I hope that this is just a set of numbers; I am 21 years old and still counting, insyaallah.
P/S: The second we are born, we begin to die.
eh, sama la umur kita..
sama ke..hehehe
tak sangka cepat betul masa berjalan.
bila nak tamat zaman bujang ni :)
Nick: haha amboi, sama umur tp Nick graduated earlier haha! Eh, dah ada calon ke? hehehe
happy birthday awak tuu...
semoga hidup awk di rahmati selalu dan bahagia selalu.. :D
Lelaki Ini: hehe thank you!
Mazni: terima kaseh di atas ucapan yeah huhuh!
happy belated bufday..May Allah bless u :)
Happy birthday! .. hye . pandai berbahasa inggeris ;)
selamat hari lahir..
lahir kt luar negara, berlin! hehehe
Masa mula² tengok kau dulu aku ingat kita sebaya.. Rupa-rpanya kau sebaya adik aku ;D
Very happy belated birthday bro. Semoga semuanya semakin baik dan baik, aamiin.
Seneorita: hehe...thank you thank you sooo much hehehe!
Kamilia: hehe, alhamdulillah masih belajar bertutur hehe :)
Fendy: thank you soo much hehe!
Apple: haha, amboi tau mana ni?
Ucop: hehe...yea la aku nampak lebih matang dari usia sebab kesusahan hidup semasa kecil hahahahaha!
selamat hari lahir cikgu.
sori takda hadiah untuk cikgu sebab dah hujung sem! hehe :P
Happy Birthday dearie adik. May all your wishes come true...
Ized: hehe tak apa yang penting ingatan tulus ikhlas hehe...I hargai ucapan u lebih drp segala-galanya hehehe!
Aziela: hehe thank you akak! Insyaallah, may Allah bless my dreams too hehe!
Forever 21...
First glance, thought dat u're 22...:P
Orked: hehe, I nampak matang sebab waktu kecik-kecik dulu I orang susah heheh :)
Selamat hari lahir, semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan :-)
happy belated birthday azham....semuga meninti hari2 dengan cemerlang....dengan Sha Allah.
malay male: hehe thank you bro for the wishes!
Jia Rizaira: hehe...Thank you dear....insyaallah akan dimakbulkan Allah doa-doa anda huhu....
happy belated birthday am! :D
Happy birthday to you from Sir Zuki. Do check out my blog. TQ.
Narumi: hehe...thanks Izette hehe! Kami hargai sangat-sangat :)
Daddy Zuki: hehe terima kaseh kerana sudi menjengah hehe...insyaallah saya akan berkunjung kembali...
Happy Belated Birthday.. Moga panjang umoq n murah rezki... ;)
happy belated birthday.
moga terus murah rezeki and bertambah kejayaan!
happy birthday Bro... Sory terlambat wish.. hakhak
Zwan: hehe, thanks bro! Insyaallah dimakbulkan doa itu hehe...
Syazwan: hehe it's okay...ingatan tulus ikhlas itu yang lebih dihargai :)
hafiz: hehe, tak mengapa...terima kasih atas ingatan tulus ikhlas hehe
Syaz lagi tua dari azham. emm. k. emm
Syaz: haha rilekslah umur itu hanya sekadar angka dan nombor haha!
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