So sorry for the long hiatus; I have been so occupied with classes and university projects going on at the same time. Semester 5 in UPM is so packed that I really cannot feed my beloved blog readers with frequent updates for now but I will make it up to all of you. So sorry for hibernating on purpose but all of you can get updates from my Instagram account, just search for @azhamvsvc okay. Until we meet again when I have the time to sit down and write to all of you; assalamualaikum, take care and God bless :)
Don't worry Adik. We understand. Stay healthy ok...
hehe nevermind
Kak Aziela: terima kaseh sangat kerana memahami :)
Zuan: hehe....thanks yeah!
good luck with all the endless assignments :)
Ized: Thank you...all the best to you too :)
God Bless You too Bro!
yongpropaghandi: hehe thank you!
student life...paham2...ramai yg da alaminya...take your time...utamakan mana yg penting dulu...:D
Ezad: thank you bro :(
same goes to me. biasalah. student kan. goodluck!
ILS: tu la mmg sibuk sgt sgt skrg ni huhuhuhu
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