Shout! Movement is a one-day event that celebrates music, TV, film, fashion and art where celebrities and artistes get together to share their inspiring stories about what they love doing!

It all happened on the 11th of November 2012 at Publika, Solaris Dutamas where visitors had the chance to attend various workshops and networking sessions with prominent names in the industry such as Dato' Tom Abang Saufi, Dain Said and Sharifah Amani.

I signed up for a "Networking Brunch with Dain Said and Sharifah Amani" where both of them shared a lot of interesting insights of what is happening in the world of TV and film industry. Dain Said is the director of the Best Movie "Bunohan" for the recent Anugerah Skrin and he had a lot to talk about! He shared about his international documentary projects and his background in this industry and that explains his fluent English language proficiency as he studied film in the United Kingdom.

As you can see, Sofea Jane also joined our session for a while until she had to leave for another event. It was a really intimate networking session as we got to chat and had our brunch at our very own comfort. To be honest, I felt really "small" sitting next to Dain Said knowing that his documentary projects has crossed borders and are notable in fact!

Meeting Sharifah Amani on the other hand was like a DREAM!!! I am not quite a fan but I adored her works in SEPET, GUBRA and MUALLAF so when I was there at the table I kept on observing her. I felt so very honourable having got the chance to sit near her and listen about her upcoming projects.

Here are the other participants of the session and I guess that they were inspired really well based on the look in their faces. I truly enjoyed our meeting and to be honest, I need to participate more in their conversation and therefore work on my communication skills. I get a serious "fright" sitting next to famous people that my mouth does not want to talk, what a waste!

So what is next? Be prepared for the 3rd Shout! Awards happening in two more Fridays, 23rd of November at Surf Beach, Sunway Lagoon! Wear your best "beach-ini" because we are going to have so much fun there and don't forget to vote for your favorite celebrities at http://www.shoutawards.com.my/2012/. Am I going to see you there? Vote for #AzhamVsvc :)
untunglahhh dapat berborak dengan artisss.
chemay: untunglah, nak jumpa chemay susah sangat, I jumpa la artis hahaha!
luqman: thank you!
Bertuahlah dapat duduk semeja ngobrol² dengan individu yang bukan calang² tu..
Kalau aku entah² tak cakap apa² kot, angguk² tanda konon faham je hehehe
jeless ni jeless . sofeaa janee tuhh
jeless ni jeless . sofeaa janee tuhh
Ucop: hehe...aku pun tak tanya soalan pon weh sebab aku segan English diorang sangat power aku rendah diri sangat...jadi penumpang je huhuh
Bolat: haha....rileks la der, kita semua manusia biasa hehe :)
wah, dari cikgu dah jadi artis eh skng ni..versatile blogger utaqha ni..heheh..bila la boleh nak reunion antara blogger xtaw la.
Nick: Ah, blushing hahaha! Tak de la saja join workshop pasal TV/FILM because that is my other passion hehe...Come and meet me in KL hehe....holiday season have started right?
untunglahhhhh!! *nada jelez* haha =p
Izat: haha...untunglah sangat hahaha! Tapi tak de goodie bags lah...kalau Astro punya event mesti byk free gifts heheheheh
Ala English kau kan ok, patutnya selamba je tanya..
Ucop: haha aku sangat nervous haha!
Hehe.. lepas tu bagi goodie bags to kat classmate. kan kan kan? hihihi
Narumi: haha betul betul betul...anda sangat memahami saya hahaha! Kalau ada yg sudi terima tu seronoklah...kalau yang tak mau terima tu yg membuatkan kami sedih hehehehe....
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