

Monday, October 22, 2012

B. Sc. Miscommunication

One of the assignments completed this semester; seriously we need to produce lots of videos or short films as opposed to essay writing and tests. Video-making involves a lot of technical stuff, editing witch-crafty, teamwork, excessive meetings and shootings and all but personally I believe that this is better than mere writing. Yes, I do not feel that essays and critical reviews alone are adequate in order to help teachers improve their language proficiency and so far I felt like a B. Sc. Miscommunication (read: Mass Communication) student already while completing the videos/short films for English Language Teaching Materials and Teaching the Language of Novels assignments. 

Now I will leave you with the musical comedy of Sense & Sensibility by Jane Austen, adapted from Chapter 21-30. Enjoy the short film yeah, take care and God bless :)

Friday, October 12, 2012


A friend of mine is going to do "it" tonight; the boy had done it many times before like a pro so I gave him "this" as a little protection because only dummies eat Maggie without its MSG.

Yes, this is not a condom you guys and girls would probably think about; with just a bit of camera angle and the right props you will get exactly the thing you need to resemble a condom. I still remember giving a box of condom to a newly-wed and it turned out that they didn't use it at all; come to think about it, it is seriously very rude of me. Take care and God bless you people, will come and see your blog soon insyaallah :)

P/S: Mee Sedap's MSG sachet.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


"I decorate my house with things you love
Just in case you show up".
